The STILL iGo automation solution covers the entire spectrum of material flow processes, from flexible plug-and-play…
What exactly happens in intralogistics? The new STILL white paper explains the most important intralogistics processes…
What do you do if one of your trucks breaks down at short notice or if you need extra trucks? STILL helps quickly and…
Digital twins are highly versatile: From duplicating forklift trucks and warehouses to helping with training.
Enabling logistics service providers to work efficiently despite cost pressures and a shortage of skilled labour:…
STILL's innovative technology makes logistics processes smart, scalable and flexible.
STILL continues to support its customers after the implementation of an automation solution with a comprehensive range…
VDA 5050: an open interface between automated guided vehicle systems (AGVs) and the corresponding control software, the…
Circularity is nothing new for STILL - from refurbishment and battery recycling to a forklift truck based on the…
Hydrogen-based drives are the next logical step towards more sustainable intralogistics fleets. Expert Dyrk Draenkow…
STILL's Smart Charging System provides a holistic view of up to 50 charging points, which can be precisely controlled.…
If you want to be efficient in intralogistics, you need a good overview of the fleet. Is the fleet at capacity? Are the…
STILL is sharpening its brand profile - because customers need efficient solutions that fit their requirements.…
Additional functions are not always useful for everyone. A growing number of companies want high-quality trucks - but…
For companies in the logistics sector, the cradle-to-cradle principle offers many opportunities to become more…
Why will warehouse automation in the logistics industry be indispensable in the future? How can existing warehouses be…
What is autonomy? In intralogistics, it primarily refers to the ability of vehicles to deal with unpredictable…
What requirements does an increasingly automated warehouse have for security - and what hurdles must be overcome for…
In this interview, Maik Hennies tells us what the responsibility of service technicians is today - and what really…
There is more data and customers expect companies to be forward-thinking in the way they do business.
What will the truck of the future look like? What drive system will it have, and how will it be used?
The rise of Industry 4.0 in intralogistics is enormous. The pandemic shows the need to automate and transform our…
In this guide, STILL shows you how to effectively manage your warehouse and make the most of intralogistics innovations.…
How to improve warehouse efficiency, an expert guide by STILL
If you set up your intralogistics warehouse correctly and base it on your operational requirements, you can save a lot…
Lithium-ion batteries and rapid partial charging are increasing the availability of trucks during shifts and opening up…
STILL’s lithium-ion forklift trucks are a perfect example of technological optimisation from the leader in…
Over the last few years, new types of batteries have started coming out for powering electric forklift trucks.