The benchmark in order picking!
STILL presents the most modern order picking fleet worldwide.
Efficient and fast logistics processes are crucial. In many cases, order picking is of particular importance. STILL has put its vehicle concepts in the field of order picking to the test to determine to what extent, taking into account the work processes, further optimization potentials can be exploited in order to optimally meet the constantly increasing process requirements of modern logistics.
The result is a veritable firework of new products for order picking, which score points through performance-optimised technology, innovative technologies and the highest possible working comfort.
Starting with the new MX-X Very Narrow Aisle Truck (Man-up), the EK-X vertical order picker, the award-winning iGo neo CX 20 autonomous horizontal order picker and our latest addition to the STILL world: the all-round talent OPX.
Get to know our order picking fleet and see for yourself!
An overview of the world's most modern order picking fleet
The turnover champion in highly compacted warehouse worlds
- Optimum use of storage space: 18-metres lift height and highest residual load capacity
- Fast storage and retrieval: Active load stabilisation (ALS) to reduce mast oscilliations
- Maximum possible working comfort: Spacious ans flexibly adjustable driver's cabin
- Best performance: individually configurable service packages for your needs
- Work easily and safely: Smart assistance systems such as OptiSafe, OptiSpeed 4.0 and Active Floor Compensation (AFC)
You receive a vehicle that exactly fits your individual requirements, from dimensions to technical features.
Perfect performance and comfort
Innovative technologies and smart modularity: The new STILL MX-X Very Narrow Aisle Truck (Man-up) sets standards in performance and userfriendliness. Developed to optimally handle any challenge, the MX-X scores with performance packages for every application profile. Thus truck precisely adapted to your individual requirements - from its dimensions to its technical features.
The focus is on the operator: A spacious and flexibly adaptable driver's cabin, intuitive controls and smart assistance systems promise safe, comfortable and efficient work throughout a whole shift.
Driving speeds of up to 14 km/h, a lift height of up to 18 metres and the highest residual load capacity on the market make the MX-X a turnover champion in highly compacted warehouse worlds. Whilst the active load stabilisation (ALS) notably shortens storage and retrieval processes by up to 5 %, the mechanism of the turret head promises even shorter picking distances. Thanks to the fully welded auxiliary lift, the MX-X scores with maximum stability throughout its service life. The STILL MX-X high bay order pickers can be individually configured according to your requirements and will thrill you with their excellent functionality.
What our customers say about the new MX-X series

Pinpoint precision in efficiency and comfort - STILL MX-X series VNA truck is proven by logistics service provider SCHUON
Schuon delivers up to 20,000 packages a week. Speed and efficiency are required. This is where the MX-X really shines with its significantly improved ergonomics.
But read for yourself.
Schuon delivers up to 20,000 packages a week. Speed and efficiency are required. This is where the MX-X really shines with its significantly improved ergonomics.
A STILL truck provided the evidence for this in a field test at Gebrüder Schuon Logistik GmbH. It has been winning over both operators and users there since December 2016, not only by guaranteeing optimum floor area utilisation, high flexibility and greater handling performance, but also by leaving nothing to be desired in terms of driver comfort.
The success of logistics service provider Schuon in Haiterbach in the Black Forest is not only determined by seamless logistics processes but also by a high level of flexibility when faced with fluctuations in products and demand. ‘We value warehouse equipment that is tailored to our needs so we can react flexibly,’ says owner and managing director Horst Schuon. ‘We can achieve maximum flexibility with simultaneously increased performance thanks to the new STILL VNA truck.’
STILL and Schuon share a long-standing partnership. The Hamburg-based intralogistics expert has not only built a 17.2m high rack system with 30 aisles and 65,000 pallet bays for the building extension, but has also been providing full-service management of the logistics company’s truck fleet. ‘We are proud of our many years of trust and partnership with Schuon. Thanks to this, we are very well acquainted with the processes and the resulting challenges in the company,’ says Thomas A. Fischer, Sales, Marketing and Service Director (CSO) at STILL GmbH. ‘Our new MX-X series is precisely tailored to the tough demands of the logistics service provider. That’s why we put our order picking vehicle concepts to the test and identified ways to optimise them.’
The logistics expert’s warehouse is designed for the highest levels of efficiency with 140,000 pallet bays and 80,000 order picking shelves. Whether it’s precision-timed ‘Just in Sequence’ deliveries, quality management and inventory planning for procurement logistics or fulfilment for online shops, Schuon and their 120-total staff realise an extensive range of warehousing tasks in their HQ in Haiterbach and in Lengwil, Switzerland.
The rail-guided MX-X VNA trucks serve the upper racks in the main hall at Schuon. The vehicles can effortlessly lift to lift heights of up to 18m thanks to the auxiliary lift. The main and auxiliary lifts are used simultaneously for fast access. The MX-X is fitted with the new ALS system that stabilises the load, similar to the STILL FM-X reach truck’s active load stabilisation, which not only ensures safe load handling but also speeds up the order picking process. This means the hydraulic controls help compensate for the vibrations in the mast when picking and storing. This allows for intelligent control of the extension speed and depth. In addition to a uniform storage depth, this also achieves a handling capacity that is up to 5% higher when storing and picking.
Schuon delivers up to 20,000 packages a week. Speed and efficiency are required. With the rise in online trade, employees increasingly need to pick smaller lots from the pallets instead of complete pallets. This is where the MX-X really shines with its significantly improved ergonomics. For example, the driver’s cab has been enlarged and vibrations reduced, so that the operator can work comfortably and increase their pick rate. The redesign of the swivel reach fork mechanism has not only improved the stability of the auxiliary lift, it has also shortened the distance of the cab to the end of the pallet by 40mm and, thanks to the tilt sensor, the distance for the driver when accessing the racking is reduced.
As access speed is particularly important for fast order picking, the simultaneous operation of main and auxiliary lifts means a significant increase in efficiency. ‘We can approach the shelf faster with the new MX-X and, after removal, transport the pallet faster to the transfer station in one smooth movement,’ said Horst Schuon. The improved stability of the swivel reach fork and the quieter running of the sideshift also ensure more secure load handling of the logistician’s sensitive products.
‘The tough conditions at Schuon logistics company have shown us that we have created a winner with our new vehicle concept and perfectly met the demands of an advanced warehouse. The new STILL MX-X order pickers are therefore an ideal combination of high throughput efficiency and ergonomics, which tangibly benefits customers such as Schuon,’ says Thomas A. Fischer.

EK-X - The new dimension in order picking.
It’s the Prince of Pickers and Nobility in any narrow-aisle warehouse: the EK-X vertical order picker sets the benchmark in terms of performance, picking height, residual load capacity, functionality and ergonomics.
- Optimum use of storage space: picking heights of up to 12 metres
- Large and spacious cabin for maximum freedom of movement
- Optimally adjustable to any warehouse: customised solution thanks to modular design
The EK-X forges ahead into new dimensions of efficient goods handling with driving speeds up to 13 km/h and lifting speeds up to 0.4 m/s. Thanks to the OPTISPEED system, this compact warehouse helper is always on the move at maximum speed – without impairing safe driving. Other features include an excellent field of view and a maximum pick height of 12 meters - outstanding in the truest sense of the word – as well as a roomy, shock-absorbing driver’s cabin.
In short: if you want the most efficient, user-friendly picking warehouse management, you can’t do without an EK-X. Moreover, the modular system allows the optimum EK-X to be custom-built for every warehouse.
The EK-X in the most modern picking fleet
Further information, pictures, videos and technical data can be found on the product page of the EK-X.
Or simply contact us directly via our STILL hotline or the contact form below.

iGo neo CX 20 - The smart way
The iGo neo CX 20 follows the operator at all times during the working cycle and will move to the first or second pallet position as desired. The truck always allows the operator to walk in front and autonomously maintains an operator-specified distance of at least 50 cm from the rack or pallet position.
- Autonomous system increases picking performance by up to 30%
- Saves manual energy: goods only require transportation by hand over short distances
- Bespoke order picking: truck adapts easily to specific operator preferences
- Top performance: 2 tons load capacity at up to 12 km/h
Because the autonomous assistance takes control of driving and steering, the operator is able to concentrate fully on the task at hand. This results in a significant increase in picking performance and avoids picking errors. Safety is ensured by the motion tracking sensors, which can differentiate between the operator, other people and obstacles.
The truck either drives around obstacles or, if the way is completely blocked, stops. If a slower truck is driving ahead or a queue forms, the speed is adjusted accordingly. Once the way is clear again, the iGo neo CX 20 will autonomously start driving.
It recognises and passes by empty racks. Crossroads are only crossed autonomously after approval by the driver. The operator is free to choose whether the device should run in manual or autonomous mode. An LED signal shows whether the truck is in autonomous or manual operation mode. Another optical signal shows the orientation of the iGo neo CX 20.
The iGo neo CX 20 in the most modern picking fleet
Further information, pictures, videos and technical data can be found on the product page of the iGo neo CX 20.
Or simply contact us directly via our STILL hotline or the contact form below.

OPX - Thrillingly dynamic
Be it retail, automotive or food industry: The STILL OPX horizontal order picker with a load capacity of up to 2.5 tons is an innovative all-round talent. The great variety of versions and functions makes the OPX the optimum truck for any application profile. Always efficient, always reliable, always thrillingly dynamic.
- High load capacities of up to 2.5 tons
- Easy Drive steering wheel with height adjustment and control of all truck functions without changing grip
- Driving speeds of up to 14 km/h
- Battery capacity: 620 Ah
- Great agility and outstanding driving dynamics
- Automatic cornering speed adjustmen
- Low access (access height: 130 mm)
- Large storage spaces
Optional functions:
- Hydraulic platform lift with ergonomic lowering function (reach height up to 2,800 mm)
- Pedestrian operation
- Fold-up step to order pick from the first rack level
- Height-adjusting, air-suspended foldaway seat
- Pneumatic platform suspension with individual adjustment (28% reduction of body vibrations)
- Narrow backrest for more space inside the cabin
- 12 V socket for electric equipment
- Smart LED daytime running lights
- Lateral battery change
- Li-Ion-battery
- On-board charger
The OPX in the most modern picking fleet
Further information, pictures, videos and technical data can be found on the product page of the OPX..
Or simply contact us directly via our STILL hotline or the contact form below..