The Spanish aid organisation "Banco de Alimentos" thanks its supporters

Celebrating solidarity
FBAM acknowledges the support of STILL and other organisations and companies with a ‘Day of Acknowledgement’
On 27 October 2022, we had the privilege of being honoured by the Fundación Banco de Alimentos de Madrid (FBAM) for our cooperation with the organisation in 2020. FBAM is the foundation of the Spanish aid organisation Banco de Alimentos de Madrid ("Madrid Food Bank", BAM for short), which is comparable to the food banks in other countries. At a time of extreme need due to the effects of the Corona crisis, corporate support was essential to enable the much-needed work of BAM's volunteers. On behalf of STILL Spain, Robert Masip, CEO of STILL Spain, and Horacio Diaz-Guardamino from STILL Madrid accepted the recognition by FBAM. We at STILL are very grateful for this honour and have sincere respect for all the organisations honoured on this day. This cooperation is crucial for the joint shaping of society and that is why we at STILL will gladly respond to any call for help in the future.
Get to know the story
STILL donated vehicles to help during the Corona crisis – Support for storage and distribution
The Banco de Alimentos de Madrid was one of the first organisations to respond to the needs of hundreds of vulnerable families when the COVID-19 crisis broke out. To address the shortage of food supplies, it launched the "Kilo COVID-19" campaign and was able to collect 1,300 tonnes of basic foodstuffs. However, this wave of solidarity was accompanied by concerns about efficient and safe distribution of the food. Faced with this situation, STILL responded quickly by donating two STILL EXU-SF 20 electric ride-on low-lift pallet trucks, two STILL EXU 20 electric low-lift pallet trucks and a STILL FM-X 14 reach truck, allowing BAM to unabatedly continue their mission of helping the neediest populations at a very difficult time.